What is PCOS?

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is the most common endocrine disorder among females within their reproductive years. This syndrome presents with symptoms such as amenorrhea (loss of menstrual bleed), hirsutism (excessive hair growth) and obesity linked with enlarged polycystic (multiple cysts or enlarged follicles) ovaries. PCOS is a diverse disorder characterized by increased androgen production primarily from the ovaries and ovulatory dysfunction. It is believed to be a multifactorial condition caused by genetics and environmental factors.

How do I know I have PCOS?

There are multiple criteria that can be used to diagnose PCOS. Lab work is not necessary but can help support the diagnosis. Ultrasounds of the ovaries are also not necessary, but also can help support the diagnosis.

Just as every woman is unique, so is each case of PCOS. Symptoms of PCOS vary from irregular or absent periods, overweight, oily skin, acne, excessive hair growth in unexpected places and hair loss in others, depression, and infertility.

As Women’s Health Nurse Practitioners, Ivy and Andrea are highly qualified to identify the symptoms and diagnose PCOS. There is an individualized plan to diagnose and treat each patient depending on her unique concerns.

What can Harmoni Wellness provide for patients with PCOS?

As Nurse Practitioners specializing in hormone dysregulation, we can;

– Diagnose and treat PCOS

– Prescribe medications for weight loss, such as GLP-1s

– Prescribe medications for acne and excessive hair growth

– Supplements or prescriptions for insulin resistance

-Specialized nutrition and fitness counseling. We also have provider resources in the local community that are knowledgeable about PCOS that we will refer to if appropriate.

We are interested in alleviating symptoms of course, but ultimately; Our aim is to educate each woman about the root cause of her PCOS so that it can be reversed for good.



Initial Phone Consultation (virtual)


Initial Intake Appointment (in-person)

* might include labs to be paid separately – $60-$200


Follow-up (virtual or in-person)

* might include labs to be paid separately – $60-$200