Sexual Satisfaction

The Lotus Package $2000
for Sexual Satisfaction
Sex changes over time. (Understatement of the century!)
Does this sound like you?
  • Decreased sensation
  • Dryness and/ or pain
  • Low sex drive and could take it or leave it
  • Don’t initiate sex like you used to
  • Having sex with your partner for the sake of the relationship …you used to initiate sex and enjoy it
  • Desire the closeness you used to feel when you had sex with your partner
  • Something feels different either physically, mentally, emotionally or a mix of these
Some women say that for them, being sexual is over but they are not ready to give it up either.
At Harmoni Wellness, we can help. We want to put sex and pleasure back on the menu… for YOU!!
We offer individualized treatments (non-hormonal and/ or hormonal with or without medications considering your needs and goals) to:
  • decrease pain
  • increase circulation and promote health of the tissue
  • increase sensation and/ or improve orgasm
  • increase libido
Additionally, we provide information about:
  • styles of lubricants and moisturizers
  • gizmos to help decrease pain, accommodate partners, and increase satisfaction.
Call us today for a sexual satisfaction consult. To make it easy, just ask for The Lotus Package!